Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Technology Boost: introducing 'Stealthy Mode' monitor engine and Single-File HTML Reports

today is a big release day with two new major features that we worked on over the past 9-10 months, which are also available on our online webservice at http://www.hybrid-analysis.com right now.

Kernelmode Monitor

You can now chose a 'Stealthy Mode' environment, which is a completely new monitoring technology that leaves the malware sample untampered. Basically, a lot of sandbox systems and even AV products (see this blogpost: http://rce.co/why-usermode-hooking-sucks-bypassing-comodo-internet-security/) rely on injecting and tampering with processes in userland. With the new 'Stealthy Mode' of VxStream Sandbox the sample is executed untampered and observed from the operating system level, which is far less detectable. Our new technology is a milestone and takes VxStream to a level that is only matched by very few competitors on the market.

Note: choose the W7 32 bit 'Stealthy Mode' environment upon submission to try it out

Of course, we still do memory dumps of the analyzed processes so that the reports benefit from Hybrid Analysis technology. Essentially, you will not notice much difference between the usermode and kernelmode monitor, except that certain specific malware samples that are aware of their memory image tampering will run a lot better under 'Stealthy Mode'. Also, the new kernelmode monitor comes with some basic anti-VM detection technology just like the usermode monitor.

The above picture is taken from a sample report running the known 'Pafish' benchmark (v0.4) with the new kernelmode monitor: https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/bf0bbd28deed92fbd9f974e63336c2a4185a07ed19c578a37885d351134c0182/?environmentId=4

Single-File HTML Reports

It is now possible to 'persist' and download single-file HTML reports for any analysis report generated as-of now. This is another feature we have been working on and the HTML reports are generated based off of the XML reports and completely separate from the online reports (which are just a view on JSON documents stored in a MongoDB). The HTML reports are nice, if you want to share or keep a report. It is not as complete as the online reports yet, but also contains a few other details (such as the exact VT results).

Sample HTML report hosted at our company site: here
Corresponding Hybrid-Analysis.com report: here

Of course, we will be extending and working on both of these two new code 'projects' over the coming months, so stay tuned.

// EOF


It is possible to license VxStream Sandbox and run it on-premise

If you are interested in licensing the full version of VxStream Sandbox (includes the web application to run your own service, an API, the runtime monitor, the load balancing controller, hybrid analysis technology, report generator, all behavior signatures, scripts, etc.) or have any questions, please use our contact form and get in touch. We have a very simple licensing structure and additional options. If you are interested in a demo, try out our free malware analysis service at hybrid-analysis.com.