Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Hybrid Analysis Partners with Criminal IP, Bringing OSINT-Based Threat Analysis Search

Hybrid Analysis continues to add new features and capabilities, making our free malware analysis service more compelling than ever. As part of this growth, we are pleased to announce integration of the Criminal IP search engine as part of our Quick Scan analysis.

Criminal IP’s search engine is OSINT-based (open source Intelligence) and delivers extensive cyber threat intelligence data for URLs and domains, which can be a valuable tool for threat hunting and attack surface analysis. This includes the DGA (Domain Generation Algorithm) score for the scanned URL, phishing detection, suspicious cookies/apps/HTML on the website, SSL validation and more.

In Hybrid Analysis, simply enter an IP address or website, select Quick Scan, and then you’ll view the Criminal IP Scorecard on the Overview page, which represents the threat assessment level of the scanned domain/IP. Hybrid Analysis users can leverage this new Criminal IP integration to quickly and proactively identify potential threats, helping them make informed decisions about the state of an IP or URL.

Criminal IP Integration: Head For the Analysis Overview Section

Criminal IP is now included among the integrated technology partnerships in the Analysis Overview section, which is part of the Quick Scan analysis feature in Hybrid Analysis. You’ll find the new service as a Scorecard presenting a color-coded rating for the scanned entity. The Scorecard includes a More Details button that provides additional context and detail about the analysis of the scanned domain/IP. You can also click a button on the Scorecard that will take you directly to Criminal IP’s website for additional details of your scan based on the service’s extensive threat intelligence data.

Figure 1: Analysis Overview section showing Criminal IP Scorecard indicating a URL detected as malicious

Figure 2: Clicking More Details on the Criminal IP Scorecard from the previous screenshot brings up the URL Scan Report Summary, showing details 

Happy Hunting!

This new partnership with Criminal IP further enhances the ability of Hybrid Analysis users to identify and assess potential threats and cyber risks. Stay tuned for ongoing updates on the ways that we are continuing to make our platform even stronger – including collaboration and partnership with organizations like Criminal IP – providing the Hybrid Analysis community with the most extensive suite of threat research tools available. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Analyzing the Newest Turla Backdoor Through the Eyes of Hybrid Analysis

 Author: Vlad Pasca

  • A Hybrid Analysis perspective and deep technical dive into the new Turla APT backdoor 

  • Turla starts its attack by using shortcut files to infect victims 

  • Evasion techniques employed by the group involve unhooking and disabling ETW and AMSI for stealth

  • Backdoor implements custom commands for execution of malicious PowerShell scripts and file creation

In a recent campaign, the Russian APT group Turla (also known as Venomous Bear), used shortcut files (.lnk) to infect systems with a fileless backdoor. The malware employs multiple evasion techniques such as disabling ETW and AMSI, and unhooking. Our contribution to existing research consists of analyzing the backdoor from a Hybrid Analysis perspective and presenting the implementation of the malicious routines. We will present the deobfuscation process and perform a complete technical analysis of the malware that reveals its functionalities. 

A Hybrid Analysis Perspective

Turla’s backdoor was obfuscated using the “SmartAssembly” obfuscator to complicate the analysis. It implements evasion techniques to extend malicious activity and influence the logging process. The backdoor commands can be used to create new files and run malicious PowerShell scripts using PowerShell runspaces.

We’ve analyzed an attack that started with a shortcut file called “Advisory23-UCDMS04-11-01.pdf.lnk” detonated via Hybrid Analysis. As shown in Figure 1, the file’s icon is set to PDF in order to trick the user. 

Figure 1 - PDF icon set

However, a legitimate PDF called “Advisory23-UCDMS04-11-01.pdf” is displayed during the execution, as seen in the runtime screenshots from the Hybrid Analysis detonation report:

Figure 2 - Legitimate PDF displayed

The detonation report also displays the process tree (Figure 3 ) showing that the initial process creates a file called “ChromeConnection” in the temporary folder. This is executed using the MSBuild tool:

Figure 3 - Process tree

The final payload is a fileless backdoor. The sample executes the Main function of the backdoor with six custom parameters. The presence of these six custom parameters is highly suspicious and should be a first red flag for taking a closer look at this sample. We could identify this operation in the “Extracted Strings” section of the Hybrid Analysis report (see Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Final backdoor is executed with 6 parameters

As shown below, the PDF and the created file can be downloaded from the “Extracted Files” section of the report.

Figure 5 - Extracted Files section on Hybrid Analysis

A Deep Dive into The Dropper

Based on these observations, we are able to  determine that the fileless backdoor is worth a deeper investigation. After finding the final dropped file (SHA256: 7091ce97fb5906680c1b09558bafdf9681a81f5f524677b90fd0f7fc0a05bc00) we can download it locally and analyze it using PEStudio. We determine that the sample is a .NET executable obfuscated using the “SmartAssembly” obfuscator (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - PEStudio detects the SmartAssembly obfuscator

Dumbassembly performs initial deobfuscation operations on the malware (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Dumbassembly tool deobfuscates the backdoor

Simple Assembly Explorer is  used to further deobfuscate the resulting executable, as highlighted in Figure 8.

Figure 8 - Simple Assembly Explorer options

It’s very important that we use the right options for deobfuscating the code.

Finally, de4dot is used to restore the remaining obfuscated code, as displayed in Figure 9 and Figure 10 below, which shows the difference between the decompiled codes. 

Figure 9 - Before deobfuscation

Figure 10 - After deobfuscation

The process creates a mutex called “{C916E9A6-EEDF-4648-9A29-9E5713F4E79A}” to ensure that only one copy of the malware is running at a single time.

The first three parameters passed to the program are Base64-decoded and then decrypted using the XOR operator, with the first byte representing the key. 

Figure 11 - Parameters are passed to the decryption function

Figure 12 - Implementation of the operations

We’ve developed a custom Python script that decrypts the required parameters. The C2 server https[:]//files.philbendeck[.]com is revealed after the decryption.

The last three parameters are used to compute the receive timeout, sleep time, and reconnect timeout, respectively. The default values are 30 seconds for the first two and 30 minutes for the third.

Figure 13 - Last parameters are used to compute the timeouts

The malicious process obtains the network interfaces on the local computer via a function call to GetAllNetworkInterfaces, and then extracts the MAC address. The address is modified to delete the “-“ character and the result is concatenated with the first parameter previously decrypted (Figure 14).

Figure 14 - MAC address extraction

The value computed above is XOR-ed with a randomly generated byte and stored in a variable called “strEncodedID”. This is used to compute a unique identifier of the infected machine.

Figure 15 - Unique identifier stored in strEncodedID variable

The following DLLs are mapped to memory: ntdll.dll, KernelBase.dll, and kernel32.dll. The purpose of this operation is to bypass hooks that might have been installed, by mapping “fresh” (not hooked) DLLs to replace the .text hooked sections with the clean ones . To accomplish that, the memory protections of  .text sections of the loaded DLLs need to be  changed to 0x40 (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) using VirtualProtect (Figure 16).

Figure 16 - DLLs that will be mapped

Figure 17 - Windows APIs used for mapping

Figure 18 - Memory protection changed using VirtualProtect

The MAC address concatenated with the first parameter described before is set to be an AES-128 key that will be used in upcoming C2 communication activities (Figure 19).

Figure 19 - AES algorithm initialization

The hostname and username are retrieved and encrypted using the AES algorithm. The result is Base64-encoded and exfiltrated to the C2 server using a POST request (see Figure 20 and Figure 21).

Figure 20 - Create a POST request to the C2 server

Figure 21 - AES encryption and Base64 encoding

The process reads the server’s response by calling the GetResponse method. It expects 38 bytes in the response (Figure 22).

Figure 22 - Server’s response is read and verified

If any exception occurs, the binary Base64-encodes the hostname concatenated with the username, and downloads a resource from the C2 server based on the “search=” parameter, as shown below.

Figure 23 - Download a resource if any exception occurs

The value “strEncodedID” is encrypted using the AES algorithm and Base64-encoded. The encrypted data is sent to the C2 server (Figure 24).

Figure 24 - Exfiltration of the unique strEncodedID identifier

The server’s response is decrypted and Base64-decoded. The structure of the result is “value1|value2|…”, where the first value is the command to be executed and the remaining values represent the required parameters.

Figure 25 - Server’s response contains the command to be executed

Turla’s process of encrypting communication between the victim and C2 is a sophisticated attempt to avoid detection by automated cybersecurity solutions and SecOps teams. This method of hiding communications and the exchange between victim and C2 makes the attack very difficult to discover and analyze, even by defenders employing networking tools.  

Custom Backdoor Commands

“uf” command

This command is used to create a new file and populates it with content received from the C2 server. The first parameter is the file path and the second parameter represents the file’s content that is Base64-decoded before being written (Figure 26).

Figure 26 - A new file is created and written on it

“op” command

The command has three subcommands: “rct”, “st” and “rt”. It’s used to modify the reconnect timeout, sleep time, and receive timeout, respectively.

Figure 27 - Reconnect timeout is changed

“cps” command

The process closes a PowerShell Runspace using the Runspace.Close function:

Figure 28 - Close a PowerShell Runspace

“ps” command

The command can be used to run PowerShell scripts. The process disables ETW and turns off AMSI during the malicious activity. 

Figure 29 - Command’s result is sent to the C2 server

The malicious process creates a PowerShell Runspace via a function call to CreateRunspace and an empty PowerShell instance (Figure 30).

Figure 30 - Create a PowerShell Runspace

The following functions will be patched: EventWrite, EtwEventWrite, ReportEventW, AmsiOpenSession, and AmsiScanBuffer. These functions are targeted because they’re used by ETW and AMSI, providing Telemetry to Security Products. 

Figure 31 - Functions used by ETW and AMSI are patched

The patching operation is done by modifying the first instruction of the functions. The backdoor first changes the protection of the region using VirtualProtect, then copies the new instructions and changes the protection back to original(Figure 32).

Figure 32 - Make the code of the functions modifiable

For example, the code of the EventWrite method is modified to always return a value of 0, avoiding to create the ETW events to consume. The bypass of the AmsiScanBuffer function consists of returning the E_INVALIDARG value, as highlighted in the figure below, to avoid sending those buffers to the AMSI Provider.

Figure 33 - New instructions of EventWrite

Figure 34 - New instructions of AmsiScanBuffer

Moreover, the process loads the “System.Management.Automation” assembly and disables ETW of the PowerShell session by setting the value of the “m_enabled” field from the “Tracing.PSEtwLogProvider” class to 0, by leveraging Reflection

Figure 35 - Disable ETW of the PowerShell session

If the “ldscr” subcommand is specified, the process can run PowerShell scripts specified in the C2 server’s response. The AddScript and AddCommand functions are utilized to run scripts and collect the output. Finally, the output is exfiltrated to the C2 server.

Figure 36 - Scripts’ output is exfiltrated to the C2 server

Figure 37 - Scripts are passed to the AddScript function

Final Thoughts

Hybrid Analysis is a great platform for identifying and analyzing APT samples. It provides the context and data that can be investigated further during the dynamic analysis of the malware. If you want to perform a more in-depth analysis of the sample, you can download the sample by registering with a Hybrid Analysis account and becoming a vetted user. 

This example highlighting Turla shows the value of the platform. After deobfuscating the backdoor, we were able to analyze its commands that turned out to be intuitive and very effective.  

Indicators of Compromise

C2 server







